Eyeko Beauty - London's Cutest Cosmetics!

Cocktails and kitties..


Hey girls!
Sorry we've been a bit distant recently, we've got a lot going on with work, revision and other boring past times. We haven't even had any time to spend with our friends recently as we're all off doing different things. We decided we needed to arrange a night that we could all get together for a catch up and stick to it! A night out on the town was much needed. So the four of us ( was supposed to be five but Grace went on a roadtrip to Europe last minute!) got our gladrags on and headed off down the road to Bath. A lovely local city in England for those who don't know. 

From left to right ( Leah, Sophie, Heather, Daisy)
Leah: First of all apologies for my pregnancy look and my ability of not being able to stand up straight. I wore a blouse from New Look and a skirt from Miss Selfridge.
Sophie: I had a lot off issues with my outfit on the night, it was from missguided.com, I've never bought anything from there before and doubt I will again, my playsuit ripped on the night and it was so low I had to pin it so my boobies didn't fall out, and also when it arrived it was a completely different colour than I expected, although I like the playsuit it's just not worth the hassle!! 

First, we stopped off at a cute little cocktail bar called Pulp, we have a photo of our cocktails but this one from weheartit.com looks a lot more colourful and pretty. We then went to another bar called The slug and lettuce and had more cocktails yum!! Then we headed off to a club to party on, although it was so packed we couldn't bear to stay on the dance floor for long :( So naturally we resorted to the next best thing, more alcohol and introduced our selves to a few randoms! Although we did come across some strange ones :-/

There is a point for the random cats ha, I (Leah) have been cat sitting for my boss for the last week and the next following week. They are cute little kittens but they are completely mad. They like to sleep in the day and run around my room and jump on my head all night so I haven't had copious amounts of beauty sleep recently. I have to keep them inside and only in certain rooms because my cats would go mad if they found out other felines had invaded. I've been paid so I'm happy to put up with the lack of sleep for a little while at least! I'm a sucker for cute little pets so naturally i have a small zoo in my house and garden.

We only really blog about what we know and it would be nice to get out of our comfort zone once in a while, any suggestions? Or requests for blog?

Lots of love,

Leah & Sophie

Superdrug Face Mask review;


Hello bloggers :)
Popped into Superdrug the other day (a popular UK drugstore) and picked up 4 face masks for £2.99, the ones I bought were: Peel off pomegranate & cranberry, Exfoliating strawberry, Exfoliating forest fruits and a Pore cleansing chocolate. All sounding rather yummy :). We decided (on our weekly sleep over) to do some pampering, pjs on and 90210 ready and waiting. Sophie chose the chocolate one and Leah chose the forest fruits one. They smelt absolutely gorgeous and we were so tempted to have a taste haha. The price was amazing and Sophie even had have of hers left after application. The packaging is really pretty showing all the yummy ingredients (obviously not all the chemicals and yucky things).
Leah says: The face mask smelt so delicious and rubbing in the little granules felt so good, the directions say to leave it for 5-10 minutes but we ended up leaving it for 40 as it hadn't all dried. Taking it off was really annoying and messy, I wish I had chosen the peel off one! My bathroom was covered in a fruity and chocolate mess! But I had baby soft skin when I woke up the next day and I will definitely put my bathroom through that mess again.
Sophie says: I've been on a diet for the past couple of weeks, so when I opened the packet and smelt how chocolatey it was, It was so hard to not be gross and try some. The mask spread so easily onto my face and it was so smooth. But veryyy messy! When I came to wash it off I had chocolatey everything, it was dripping everywhere and made me wish I hadn't worn it in the first place. But only for a minute. The sacrifices we make for beauty eh. As a result my face was left lovely and smooth but I still felt I hadn't gotten all of the mask off even after intense cleaning. I think next time it might just be easier to use Nutella, tasty too! Yum!
Hope you have a good laugh at our photo!!

Lots of love

Leah & Sophie

March Wishlist


Ok so we know its already mid- march, but we've been a little busy lately and haven't had the time to blog as much, but now were back together, at last, and have found time to write.
So here is a collection of a few things were lusting after this month!!

We are both desperate to try out the Liz Earle cleanser and moisturiser as everyone is raving on about it. So thats a must on our shopping list's this month, even if we are forking out the £41! Hope you are worth it Lizzie!
I, Leah, want to purchase some mac eyeshadows, im thinking a palette of four brown neutral colours so I can jazz up my lids everyday :). Also after getting an ugly looking black eye from skiing (oops) I think its time to spend some money and buy some concealer. After trying Sophie's erase paste from her Confessions of a concealaholic I think my own pot will be worth the pennies. I'm loving the ballerina-esque look this season and thought this skirt looked gorgeous from river island.
Sophie says, I love love love loveeee this purse by Ted Baker and I've been seeing it around everywhere lately, its haunting me and luring me into the temptation of buying it. To be quite honest I probably would have bought it already if it wasn't for everyone I know deciding to have their birthday this month, and mothers day and all that mallarky. But I definitely will be investing £65 in one of those, even if it is most of my pocket money gone. Im in desperate need of some new foundation although I am thinking of trying out mac as Leah loves her new foundation. Not sure which one yet I'll have to ask. Also, everyone's been shouting about Lancome's Hypnose mascara and how good it is so i'm eager to test that out! I actually already invested in a fair few Topshop basic vest tops this month as i thought i needed some, but they aren't as great as I hoped they would be cause they are a little see through, but they make good layering tops!

More blogs sooon, lots of love

Leah & Sophie

Gel Nail Disaster!!!


Bonjour my beautiful bloggers, Sophie here! With leah being gone I have much more time to myself as I'm not spending all my free time with her :( So to keep myself busy i'll probably be posting a few blogs for you on here!

Firstly Id like to share with you a really bad experience i recently had...

I love having pretty nails as i said in our previous blog, and I love the look of acrylic nails, but I HATE what they do to your nails! Everytime I've had my nails done at a salon I always find that my nails get really weak and horrible after my acrylics come off and then they all snap off an look horrible! This is because the nail technicians file your nails down so thin to make the acrylics look better!
So i thought about Gel nails because with them you can just have overlays and dont have to file anything down. However i didnt really want to spend £40 pound on something I wasnt even sure I was going to like, and I can always find something better to spend my money on!
So I decided to look on ebay to see if i could find a DIY nail kit. BIG MISTAKE, unfortunately all the pictures I took didnt turn out well atall so i cant show you but I'll paint you a picture. I did my first attempt on myself glueing the nail tips onto my own nails and not filing my own nails down atall ant then i put a clear gel layer over the top, it looked really wierd because you could see my real nails underneath but i just thought that when they dried they would look different. They didn't. They looked awful. I painted them milk chocolate by rimmel and they looked slightly better, but by this point I just wanted my real nails back because to be honest I have quite long nails anyway and they are a nice shape so I have no idea why i did this to myself, boredom maybe! It was when my dad told me they looked awful that I knew things were bad because he doesnt notice anything so I decided to take them off. After soaking my finers in vodka for an hour and nothing happening atall, I decided to soak them in nail varnish remover and that didnnt work either so in the end I just ripped them all off.
My nails underneath were so brittle and frail. I was so shocked because i hadnt filed them atall, the only thing that i can think of that would cause this is the glue. Im now trying to grow all my nails back after snapping most of them off :(
I will not be getting gel/acrylic nails again for a long time and now im glad i didnt waste more money getting them done..

It always feels good to have abit of a rant dont you think?

If anybody has anysuggestionsor questions or blog requests please let us know by email- blahlalah@hotmail.co.uk

Lots of love ;)

Ciao Bella


Hello beautifuls,

Just thought i'd better say a quick goodbye as i'm leaving for Switzerland and France in the morning for a spot of skiing. I will only be gone the week and Sophie isn't joining me so look forward to some blogs from her, i am sure she will keep you occupied whilst you are missing me :). This will be my third time skiing so i'm a bit of a pro ;) which means I will break both my legs and possibly an arm or two haha. I will leave you with some pretty pictures that I got from weheartit.com. If you haven't been on this site then make sure you do as it literally keeps me occupied for hours! Love to you and if you want a blog about my skiing adventure when I return just comment and I'd be happy to write away...

Lots of love


Nail Varnish Fetish


We've always loved nail varnish, as i'm sure most of you have, everyone loves having pretty nails, however over the past year our fetish has reach an all time high as you can see in a picture of our combined nail varnish collection below.

Sophie says: I've recently noticed that every time I go out shopping and enter a Boots or Superdrug I leave with a new nail varnish, sometimes without even remembering i've bought it, i open my shopping bag to find a new nail varnish just waiting to be used! Im like a kleptomaniac, but i pay for things.

 As you can see one brand we particularly love is Barry M as we find the shades so bright and pigmented, your nails will always get complimented and always look good no matter what shade you wear. Another reason we love it is because its so affordable, Superdrug have an offer on nearly all year round at 2 for 5 pounds on barry M so you can mix and match products.

 Sophie Says: My boyfriends mum got me the Sex and the City nail varnish collection for christmas and to be honest i haven't worn all of the shades yet however out of the shades I have tried (Charlotte and Miranda ) I definitely prefer Miranda's shade as although I love pinks I found it really hard to blend Charlottes shade without getting blotchy bits. I took it off and re-applied several times however I just am so used to Barry M and how you can get away with one coat that although it was nice to try another brand I'm sad to say it wasn't the one for me. But obviously i still love watching them wearing the nail varnish on tv/ big screen.

Leah Says: I love Topshop and can always find a great outfit/shoes/pretty knickers. Half of my wardrobe you will have been able to find on the hangers of Topshop over the years. I was a bit sceptical when i learnt that they were introducing a new makeup range but i thought maybe I'll give it a go. So whilst i was in Bath having a quick shop a couple of weeks ago I picked up a nail varnish. I was looking for this shade anyway so I thought why not!? The colour is great but the application could be better. Comparing it to Barry M.. Barry M glides on whereas I find the Topshop varnish harder to apply. Its a bit more gloopy and needs a good couple of coats to have your nails looking at their best. I was a bit disappointed in this Topshop :( you could learn a lesson or two from Barry M. Can anyone recommend some better Topshop makeup products?

 Sophie Says: My collection of neutral shades is growing as I am not aloud to wear nail varnish to work but as i cant bare to have naked fingernails I try my best to sneak on a few neutral shades. The most risquee shade iv gotten away with is Mushroom by Barry M, however I must say that my favourite neutral shade to wear is Milk Chocolate by Rimmel as its kind of a Camel colour which has been a very 'in' colour this year.

Nice to meet you.




